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Prather Lab Publications

Our work in the Journal of Neuroscience
Our work in Nature Neuroscience

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Coulter A, Prather JF (in review) Role of the auditory cortex in stability of mate preference in female songbirds.  In review at PLOS One.


Prather JF, McCoy D, Heaney A, Smith LA, Grimes E, Bloomston N, Courtney N (in review)  Assessing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student success, well-being and motivation.  In review at PLOS One.​


Pereira VM, Pradhanang S, Prather JF, Nair S (in press) Role of metalloproteinases in diabetes-associated mild cognitive impairment.  In press at Current Neuropharmacology.


Rogers JF, Vandendoren M, Prather JF, Landen JG, Bedford NL, Nelson A (2024)  Neural cell types and circuits linking thermoregulation and social behavior.  Neuroscience and BioBehavioral Reviews. 9:161:105667.


Jeffs QL, Prather JF and Todd WD (2023) Potential neural substrates underlying circadian and olfactory disruptions in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease.  Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17:1295998.


Lawley KS, Fenn* T, Person* E, Huber* H, Zaharas* K, Smith* P, Coulter A, Prather JF.  (2022)  Auditory processing neurons influence song evaluation and strength of mate preference in female songbirds.  Frontiers in Neural Circuits. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2022.994548


Fujii T, Coulter, A, Lawley KS, Prather JF, Okanoya K (2022) Song preference in female and juvenile songbirds: proximate and ultimate questions.  Frontiers in Physiology.  13:876205.  doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.876205 


Bloomston NA, Zaharas* K, Lawley K, Fenn* T, Person* E, Huber* H, Zhang Z, Prather JF.  (2022) Exploring links from sensory perception to movement and behavioral motivation in the caudal nidopalllium of female songbirds.  Journal of Comparative Neurology.  1-12.


Cahill B, Poelker-Wells S, Prather JF, Li Y  (2021)  A glimpse into the sexual dimorphisms in major depressive disorder through epigenetic studies.  Frontiers in Neural Circuits.  15:768571.


Warfield AE, Prather JF, Todd WD (2021)  Systems and circuits linking chronic pain and circadian rhythms.  Frontiers in Neuroscience.  15:705173.


Hagan K, Prather JF (2021)  Passerine morphology.  Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.  J Vonk and TK Shackelford (eds.), Springer.


Bloomston NA, Prather JF.  (2021)  Language and human communication.  Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.  J Vonk and TK Shackelford (eds.), Springer.


Bloomston NA, Prather JF.  (2021)  The prisoner's dilemma as a tool to study human decision making.  Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.  J Vonk and TK Shackelford (eds.), Springer.


Coulter A, Prather JF  (2021)  Courtship rituals and mate choice.  Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.  J Vonk and TK Shackelford (eds.), Springer.


Dunning JL, Pant S, Murphy K, Prather JF.  (2020)  Female finches prefer courtship signals indicating male vigor and neuromuscular ability.  PLOS One.  15(1): e0226580


Murphy K, Lawley KS, Smith* P, Prather JF.  (2020)  New Insights Into the Avian Song System and Neuronal Control of Learned Vocalizations.  The Neuroethology of Birdsong, eds. JT Sakata, SC Woolley, AN Popper and RR Fay, Springer Publishing.


Elie J, Hoffmann S, Dunning JL, Coleman M, Fortune ES, Prather JF.  (2019) From Perception to Action: The Role of Auditory Input in Shaping Vocal Communication and Social Behaviors.  Brain Behavior and Evolution.  94:51–60


Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis, and Application.  (2018)  Eds: Morrison ML, Rodewald AD, Voelker G, Colon MR and Prather JF.  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.  


Prather JF (2018)  Song and the Brain.  Chapter 13 in Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis and Application.  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland


Rodewald AD, Morrison ML, Colon MR, Voelker G and Prather JF.  (2018)  What makes a bird?  Chapter 1 in Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis and Application.  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.


Dunning JL, Maze* SE, Atwood* EA, Prather JF  (2018)  Caudal Mesopallial Neurons in Female Songbirds Bridge Sensory and Motor Regions.  Journal of Comparative Neurology.  526(10):1703-1711.


Lawley KS, Prather JF  (2018)  Auditory Processing and Perception.  Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.  J Vonk and TK Shackelford (eds.), Springer.


Moseley DL, Joshi* NR, Prather JF, Podos J, Remage-Healey L  (2017)  A Neuronal Signature of Accurate Imitative Learning.  Scientific Reports.  7(1):17320.


Murphy K, James LS, Sakata JT, Prather JF  (2017)  Advantages of Comparative Studies in Songbirds to Understand the Neural Basis of Sensorimotor Integration.  J Neurophysiology.  118(2):800-816.


Prather JF, Okanoya K, Bolhuis JJ  (2017)  Brains for birds and babies: Neural parallels between birdsong learning and speech acquisition.  Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.  81 (Pt B):225-237.


Pratt KG, Prather JF.  (2016)  Systems neuroscience: how the cortex contributes to skilled movements.  Current Biology.  26:2 R64-R66.


Prather JF, Mooney R. (2015)  Mirror neurons in the songbird brain: A neural interface for learned vocal communication.  New Frontiers in Mirror Neuron Research, eds. G. Rizzolatti and P. Francesco,  Oxford University Presseds.


Murphy K, Slaugh* S, Wilson* D, Burton* M, Prather JF.  (2015)  Effectiveness of the GnRH Agonist Deslorelin as a tool to decrease levels of circulating testosterone in zebra finches.  General and Comparative Endocrinology.  222:150-157. 


Heinig* A, Pant S, Dunning JL, Bass* A, Coburn* Z, Prather JF.  (2014)  Male mate preferences in mutual mate choice: Finches modulate their songs across and within male-female interactions.  Animal Behaviour.  97:1-12.


Dunning JL, Pant S, Bass* A, Coburn* Z, Prather JF.  (2014)  Mate choice in adult female Bengalese finches:  Females express consistent preferences for individual males and prefer female-directed song performances.  PLOS One.  9 (2): e89438.


Jordan C, Flaherty EA, Prather JF.  (2014)  A Curious Mission: An Analysis of Martian Molecules.          NSF National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science,


Prather JF.  (2013)  Auditory signal processing in communication:  perception and performance of vocal sounds.  Hearing Research.  305: 144-155. 


Prather JF.  (2013)  The search for a neural basis of communication:  learning, memory, perception and performance of vocal signals.  Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics:  Acoust. Soc. America.


Prather JF, Mooney R. (2013) Auditory-Vocal Mirror Neurons for Learned Vocal Communication.  Chapter 19 in Neural Mechanisms of Communication, eds. J Bolhuis and M Wild, Cambridge University Press.  p. 379-398.


Prather JF, Peters S, Nowicki S, Mooney R.  (2012) Sensory constraints on birdsong syntax:  neural responses to swamp sparrow songs with accelerated trill rates.  Animal Behaviour.  83: 1411-1420.    


Prather JF.  (2012) Rapid and reliable sedation induced by diazepam and antagonized by flumazenil in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).  J. Avian Medicine and Surgery.  26(2):76-84.


Prather JF, Nardelli, P, Nakanishi ST, Ross KT, Nichols R, Pinter MJ, Cope TC.  (2011).  Recovery of Proprioceptive Feedback from Nerve Crush.  J. Physiology. 589(Pt 20): 4935-4947. 


Prather JF, Peters S, Nowicki S, Mooney R (2010).  Persistent representation of juvenile experience in the adult songbird brain.  J. Neuroscience. 30(31): 10586-10598.


Prather JF, Peters S, Anderson R, Nowicki S, Mooney R. (2009)  Neural correlates of categorical perception in learned vocal communication.  Nature Neuroscience.  12(2): 221-228.


Prather JF, Peters S, Nowicki S, Mooney R. (2008)  Precise auditory-vocal mirroring in neurons for learned vocal communication.  Nature  451: 305-310.


          News and Views:  Tchernichovski O and Wallman J. (2008)  Neurons of imitation. 

          Nature 451, 249–250.


          News of the Week:  Miller G. (2008)  Mirror neurons may help songbirds stay in tune. 

          Science 319, 269.


          Research Highlight:  Welberg L. (2008)  Mirror neurons: singing in the brain.  Nature Reviews

          Neuroscience. 9, 163.


Bauer E, Coleman M, Roberts TF, Roy A, Prather JF, Mooney R. (2008)  A synaptic basis for an auditory vocal interface in the songbird brain.  J. Neuroscience.  28: 1509-1522.  


Prather JF, Mooney R. (2008)  Song-selective neurons in the songbird brain: synaptic mechanisms and functional roles.  Neuroscience of Birdsong, eds. HP Zeigler and P Marler, Cambridge Univ Press.


Mooney R, Prather JF, Roberts T. (2008)  Neurophysiology of Birdsong Learning.  In: Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, vol. 3 (eds. H. Eichenbaum, J. Byrne), Oxford Elsevier, p. 441-474.


Mooney R, Prather JF. (2005)  The HVC microcircuit: the synaptic basis for interactions between song motor and vocal plasticity pathways.  J. Neuroscience.  25: 1952-1964.


Haftel VK, Bichler EK, Wang QB, Prather JF, Pinter MJ, Cope TC. (2005)  Central suppression of regenerated proprioceptive afferents.  J. Neuroscience.  25:4733-4742.


Prather JF, R Mooney. (2004) Neural correlates of learned song in the avian forebrain: simultaneous representation of self and others. Current Opinions in Neurobiology. 14(4): 496-502.


Prather JF, Clark BD, Cope TC. (2002)  Firing rate modulation of motoneurons activated by cutaneous and muscle receptor afferents.  J. Neurophysiology.  88: 1867-1879.


Prather JF, Powers RK, Cope TC. (2001)  Amplification and linear summation of synaptic effects on motoneuron firing rate.  J. Neurophysiology. 85: 43-53.


Haftel VK, Prather JF, Heckman CJ, Cope TC. (2001)  Recruitment of motoneurons in the absence of homonymous afferent feedback.  J. Neurophysiology.  86: 616 – 628.


Kawasaki M, Prather* J, Guo Y-X. (1996)  Sensory cues for the gradual frequency fall responses of the gymnotiform electric fish, Rhamphichthys rostratus.  J. Comparative Physiology.  178: 453 – 462.


Ornithology textbook
Charley Harper Cardinal
Charley Harper artwork

Prather Research Lab

University of Wyoming

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