The Prather Lab
Jonathan Prather
PI and Professor
Life Sciences Program Director
Zoology & Physiology
Neuroscience Program
PostDoc, Neurobiology, Duke University
PostDoc, Biology, Duke University
Ph.D. Neuroscience, Emory University
B.S. Physics, University of Virginia
Quiana Jeffs
PhD Program in Neuroscience
Estimated PhD Graduation - Summer 2026 (Dr. Trey Todd, co-advisor)
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Psychology, UT Austin
Allison Baas
PhD Program in Curriculum & Instruction in Science Educ
Estimated PhD Graduation - Summer 2023
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Parks and Recreation Administration, Univ. Wyoming
Masters Education
Secondary Science Education in Biology, Dakota Wesleyan Univ.
Austin Coulter
MS Program in Zoology & Physiology
Graduated with his MS in Summer 2022
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Biology, Walsh University
Natalie Bloomston
MS Program in Zoology & Physiology
Graduated with her MS in Summer 2021
Undergraduate Education
B.A. Psychology, Auburn University
Koedi Lawley
MS Program in Zoology & Physiology
Graduated with her MS June 2018
Current Position
PhD Student - Texas A&M University
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Zoology, Colorado State University
Karagh Brummond
PhD Program in Neuroscience
Graduated with her PhD July 2017
Current Position
Honors College Faculty - Univ Wyoming
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Neuroscience, Regis University
Jeff Dunning
PhD Program in Neuroscience
Graduated with his PhD July 2017
Current Position
PostDoctoral Researcher - UC San Diego
Undergraduate Education
B.S. Neuroscience, George Mason University
This excellent group of undergraduate students has been central in the success of our lab. Many of these students have earned authorship on previous or upcoming manuscripts, and together this group has won $83,100 in grant support! Grant winners are indicated by an asterisk beside their name.
Thank you all!
Rory Ashdown
Ethan Atwood*, Anatomy, Chronic electrophysiology and webmaster
Aaron Bass
Rachel Bernard*, Husbandry of wild-caught birds
Mark Burton
Nikki Burton
Ashkia Campbell*, Slice electrophysiology
Kathryn Carlson
Amy Chidester*, Pathways linking sensory perception and motor action
Catherine Cloetta
Zachary Coburn*, Male mate preferences
Tom Fenn*, Circuits underlying female mate preferences
Philip Gard
Kelci Germann
Megan Halles*, Anatomy
Holly Huber*, Female mate preferences
Courtney Kaye
Mackenzie Klipstein
Jaycey Lindsey*, Reproductive physiology (WRSP and WTBC scholar)
Sarah Maze*, Female mate preferences and chronic electrophysiology
Jake McGrath
Kailee Nazminia
Zachary Parsons
Abbie Patik*, Male mate preferences
Samantha Patterson, Augmented reality tools in STEM laboratory learning
Emily Person*, Neuroanatomy and female mate preferences
Sean Reid
Richard Reinard
McKenna Riggs
Maggie Ringley
Brian Schlidt*, Female mate preferences and anatomy
Eric Schlidt
Andrea Schmitt*, Neural pathways linking perception to motor action
Shayla Slaugh*, Neuroendocrinology
Perry Smith
Claire Stowers
Juliann Terry*
Tarah Werner
David Wilson*, OG Histonator with his conspirator Mark Burton
Kristina Zaharas*, Female mate preferences